Stanislas-André Steeman

 For a far better overview of Stanislas-André Steeman's career than I could ever give you, please visit Xavier Lechard's article on Steeman. This page will act as a bibliography for Steeman's work and I will be collecting my reviews of these books here as well.

Written in collaboration with Sintair (Hermann Sartini)
Le Mystère du Zoo d'Anvers (The Anvers Zoo Mystery) 1928

Le treizième coup de minuit (The Thirteenth Stroke of Midnight) 1928

Le maître de trois vies (The Master of Three Lives) 1929

Le Diable au Collège (The Devil at High School) 1930

Le Guet-Apens (The Trap) 1932

Written by Himself :
Péril (Peril) 1930

Zéro (Zero) 1932

Le doigt volé (The Stolen Finger)1930

Six hommes morts (Six Dead Men)1931

La Nuit du 12 au 13 (The Night of the 12th to the 13th) 1931

Le Démon de Sainte Croix (The Demon of Sainte Croix) 1932

Un dans Trois (One in Three) 1932

Le Mannequin assassiné (The Murdered Dummy) 1932

Les Atouts de Mr Wens/Des cierges au diable (Mr. Wens’ Trumps/The Devil’s Candles) 1932

L'Assassiné assassiné*/Le trajet de la foudre (The Path of the Lightning) 1933
·         *This title proves to be a very tricky one to translate into English

Le Yoyo de verre/Virage dangereux (The Glass Yoyo/Dangerous Turn) 1933

L'Ennemi sans visage (The Faceless Enemy) 1934
·         turned into Mr Wens et l'automate (Mr. Wens and the Automaton) 1943

Le lévrier bleu (The Blue Greyhound) 1934

Les Fils de Balaoo (The Sons of Balaoo) – adapted from Gaston Leroux1937

L'Adorable Spectre/Feu Lady Anne (The Adorable Ghost/The Late Lady Anne) 1935

La Maison des vieilles (The Waking House) 1938

L'infallible Silas Lord (The Unfallible Silas Lord) 1938

L'Assassin habite au 21 (The Murderer Lives at No. 21) 1939
Fog-ridden London is being terrorised by the mysterious figure of Mr. Smith, a serial killer who coshes his victims over the head and takes their wallets, leaving a calling card behind. When, one day, somebody follows Mr. Smith home, they discover his address: the murderer lives at no. 21 Russel Square! There's just a small problem... 21 Russel Square is a guest house! Before long, Mr. Smith commits another murder, this time inside his own home, and directly challenges the police to try and catch him... Can the police find Mr. Smith before he disappears into the fog?
  • Was adapted into a movie by Henri-Georges Clouzot

La vieille dame qui se défend (The Old Lady Who Defends Herself) 1940

La résurrection d'Atlas (The Resurrection of Atlas) 1941

Légitime Défense/Quai des Orfèvres (Legitimate Defense/ Quay of the Goldsmiths) 1942

Crimes à vendre (Crimes for Sale) 1946

Madame la Mort (Mrs. Death) 1951

Dix - Huit fantômes (18 Ghosts) 1952

Haute Tension (High Tension) 1953

Poker d'enfer (Hell’s Poker) 1955

Six hommes à tuer/Que personne ne sorte (Six Men to Kill/Nobody Leave) 1956

La morte survit au 13 (The Dead Woman Lives on at No. 13) 1958

Impasse des boiteux (The Impasse of the Lame) 1959

Le condamné meurt à 5 heures (The Condemned Man Dies at Five O’Clock) 1959

Une veuve dort seule (A Widow Sleeps Alone) 1960

Faisons les fous (Let’s Play the Fool) 1961

Peut-être un vendredi (Maybe One Friday) 1964

Autopsie d'un viol (Autopsy of a Rape) 1971

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