And so M summons Bond to his office… only to discover Bond
isn’t there. When Bond finally does show up, M decides to ignore the whole
episode and orders Bond to go to Japan. His mission is to make contact with
Tiger Tanaka, head of the Japanese Secret Service, and to obtain important
information from him. Over the course of his stay in Japan, Bond slowly learns
more and more about Japanese customs, and then he learns about the sinister “Castle
of Death” run by the mysterious Swiss botanist, Dr. Guntram Shatterhand.
I will leave it to readers to discover what the “Castle of
Death” is. I don’t think it’s much of a surprise, though, that Dr. Guntram
Shatterhand turns out to be Blofeld in yet another disguise. After all, this is
the final installment in the Blofeld trilogy, and as soon as you hear this name
you just know it’s gotta be Blofeld,
especially when you’re told the doctor is accompanied by an exceedingly ugly
wife. This is the least surprising twist in the Bond series since Moonraker.
I have a bit of a strange history with You Only Live Twice. I intended to read it years ago when I initially
read Ian Fleming’s Bond novels. But my library lost its copy and I never got
around to it. This is why I started this whole “007 Reloaded” shenanigan, in
order to read this final novel and to give Bond a chance to go out with all his
guns blazing. But when I got to the end of the book, I had the strangest
feeling of déja vu. I know I
haven’t read this book before, but I swear
I felt like I’d read Chapter 22, especially the scene where the toad’s sweat is
collected into a phial, which I anticipated almost line-for-line. I haven’t
seen this particular Bond film, so that
can’t be it, even if it manages to stay close to the source material (which I
doubt). So how on earth could I have read
this chapter before? It’s a sheer mystery, and I honestly have no idea how to
explain it.

What could that one thing possibly be?
What on earth happened to him? Even Bond notes that the man
doesn’t seem quite like himself. He is more megalomaniacal than ever before,
but what on earth for??? The “Castle of Death” itself isn’t part of some larger
plan engineered by the Russians to cripple Western society or anything of the
sort. It’s just Blofeld’s hobby during his retirement, and it’s a pretty lame
hobby to have. As if that weren’t enough, Blofeld draws so much attention to
himself that it’s a miracle he wasn’t noticed earlier. He walks around his
garden in a suit of armour from medieval Japan and behaves in other strange
ways. Frankly, Blofeld has just gone Cuckoo-for-Cocoa-Puffs, and as a result
the final duel between him and Bond just doesn’t have the emotional resonance
it should have. For crying out loud,
Blofeld—oops, nearly spoiled something major there. This should be a major moment
of victory for Bond! Instead, it feels like a pretty typical end to a crackpot
villain who never had much of a shot of beating Bond in the first place. In
that respect he’s a perfect companion to the silly Blofeld we suffered through
in Diamonds are Forever.
So although I recommend You
Only Live Twice to Bond fans, keep in mind that this is a really
underwhelming finale to the Blofeld trilogy. It doesn’t deliver on the promises
that its predecessor set up, and although it’s got great moments Blofeld almost
single-handedly ruins the book with his insanities… which never get more
interesting than the premise. It’s a terrific premise, but I was waiting for
the “Castle of Death” to become part of a larger plot, which never happened.
Are you a Bond fan? If so, then this book is for your eyes only. (Pardon the
pun.) However, it will please a lot more people than The Spy Who Loved Me.
Notes on the
audiobook: Martin Jarvis read You
Only Live Twice and did about as good a job as can be expected. He is at
his best before we’re introduced to Blofeld, and he infuses the opening with a
certain poignancy. He conveys Bond’s lethargy and indifference towards life
very well. He also conveys the desperation of the rest of the staff, especially
M, in trying to whip 007 back into shape. As a result I think the opening six chapters
are where Jarvis is at his strongest. The problems with the book start in
Chapter 7, where Ian Fleming introduces the concept of the “Castle of Death”…
and then proceeds to give the reader a really long and really boring list of
stuff you can find in the castle. It kills all the book’s momentum instantly,
and it takes a few chapters for the momentum to come back… then Blofeld shows
up and kills it all over again. None of this is Jarvis’ fault, but his reading
is affected by this flip-flopping quality. When the book’s momentum dies, so
does the recording’s momentum. When the book is terrific, this is a terrific
recording. When the book is underwhelming, so is the recording. (Here’s some
fun trivia for this blog’s readers: Jarvis had a part in the surprisingly good
Julia Mackenzie adaptation of Agatha Christie’s The Mirror Crack’d From Side to Side.)
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