A few weeks ago, I surprised myself with the thought that I
had read quite a bit of new books this year. At the time, I quickly looked over
the English ones and found that there were 15 of them, certainly a step up from
last year, when I probably read less than five. Now that the time of lists is
upon us, what better way to recap 2012 than by looking back at the new books I
read in 2012? After all, you never know what might happen in retrospect. Some books
get more and more memorable over time; others fade away from memory. You get to
like some more than others once you’ve had some time to think it all over. Generally
speaking, I found that most of my opinions were still along the same lines, but
there were one or two surprises along the way.
So, what exactly constitutes a “new” book? For the purposes
of this blog post, a new book is one that was published in 2012 and which I
read in 2012. In addition, I decided to include translations, even if the
original book was written years ago, as long as the English translation was
published and read by me in 2012. I decided not to include novels that
were brought back into print. And finally, I decided to include novels in other
languages – which in this case boiled down to the two Paul Halter novels
published in 2012. Well, there’s no time like the present, so let’s get started
on a review of BOOKS PUBLISHED IN 2012
Not a terrible book by any stretch, but Malliet has some
atrocious luck when it comes to being read by me. I had just finished reading a
novel by Belgian author S. A. Steeman, which used Malliet’s solution as just
half of its solution. I was able to
recognize this quite quickly and thus won the author-reader game very early on
in the story. Although the mystery is decently constructed, it was almost
ruined for me by a cheesy romantic element. I’m afraid I’m as immature as the
child in The Princess Bride who
suspiciously asks if grandfather Peter Falk is about to read him “a kissing
book”. I don’t like romance. Well, I
like it just fine in small doses, but I don’t
like a romance to intermittently interrupt the mystery I’m reading, and then to
spend an additional 40 minutes after the book’s story is over wrapping up that angle.
But it’s okay, I suppose. I give it a grade of B-.
Archie Meets Nero Wolfe by Robert Goldsborough
This is a superb prequel to the Nero Wolfe saga, in which
Wolfe and Archie Goodwin meet for the very first time. As a result, there are
several touches that may seem odd to Wolfe fans: Archie’s narrative voice, for
instance, slowly develops throughout the novel until we get to the voice we
know and love at the end. There’s an absence of Archie/Wolfe banter, thanks to
the fact that they have only just met and Archie is not yet working for Wolfe,
but I thought that Goldsborough did a fine job capturing the essence of Nero
Wolfe (and also Inspector Cramer!). What I most enjoyed about this book was
spotting the references it makes to the official Corpus. For instance,
references that Archie makes in Fer-de-Lance
and The Second Confession are
expanded upon in this book, and it’s a delight to spot these. It’s also a good
story, but one that a fan of Nero Wolfe will enjoy far more readily than a
casual reader. I give this a grade of B+.
Bloodstone by Paul
The return of Brother Athelstan after a brief hiatus, Bloodstone doesn’t disappoint. It
contains a few impossible crimes and plenty of murders to keep your interest. I
really liked the solution to the first impossible crime, and then there’s an
impossible piece of arson with a terrific solution, rooted in history, which shows
you just how you can get away with things in historical fiction that you could
never do otherwise. The characterization is quite good. However, you could
divide the solution into roughly two parts. One of them is excellent, the other
is far more easily solved. Despite the relatively minor flaw, it’s a highly entertaining,
fast-paced read, and I give it a grade of A-.
Bryant and May and the Invisible Code by Christopher Fowler
An excellent novel in the Peculiar Crimes Unit series, where
Bryant and May are hired by their long-time nemesis to find out why his wife is
behaving so strangely. In another case, a woman dies alone in a church in
mysterious circumstances, a case that Bryant is refused access to. There seems
to be a connection, but what could it be? Fowler picks up some loose plot
threads from The Victoria Vanishes
and The Memory of Blood and wraps
them up neatly. Although the novel is long, it never sags, and there’s plenty
of exciting stuff going on that makes it well worth the read. Also, a satisfying,
if somewhat pedestrian, solution to an impossible crime. I give this a grade of
City of Saints by
Andrew Hunt
An excellent debut novel set in the Salt Lake City area – an
unusual location for a detective story – where Deputy Art Oveson is confronted
with the brutal murder of an attractive woman, wife of a prominent local
doctor. The characters are memorable and the portrait of 1930s Salt Lake City
is fascinating, with a huge divide between the Mormons and non-Mormons. Plenty
of interesting stuff occurs, and there are some nice moments of
characterization. Art’s partner Roscoe is plenty of fun, and the two form an “odd
couple” of sorts. An exciting climax. Some small nitpicks here and there, but
overall a very well-written, well-plotted, and satisfying mystery novel,
especially when you factor in the book’s status as a debut work of fiction. I
give it an A.
Cop to Corpse by
Peter Lovesey
A terrific hunt for a sniper who is picking off police
officers left and right. Lovesey is at his finest when describing thrilling
scenes—when officers close in on the sniper, who time and time again outwits
them and escapes by the one route they hadn’t thought of. The story is also “interrupted”
by blog posts from a young woman, which slowly become more and more relevant to
the plot. Although while reading the novel I had one major complaint that I
kept spotting, Lovesey neatly turned the tables on me and it turned out that what
I was noticing was actually a major clue to the ending. Well-written,
thrilling, and satisfying—what more can you ask? This one gets an A.
Death on a Longship
by Marsali Taylor
Another outstanding debut novel, this time a very
traditional work of detective fiction complete with clues. A puzzle for the
reader to solve, and a well-constructed puzzle. The solution is excellent and
satisfying, and the author managed to lead me up the garden path, giving me
ending Y when I was convinced I would be getting ending X. I’m ashamed of this
failure in retrospect because I really should have known better. Comparisons
could be made to Agatha Christie, but it would do a disservice to both Christie
and Taylor. She has her own unique writing style, and even manages to
incorporate a very fairly-assessed environmental angle into the novel, all
without damaging the book as a detective story. Cat Marsala is also a delightful
main character – I hope we’ll be seeing more! I give this one an A.
Disappeared by
Anthony Quinn
An excellently-written novel, it suffers from some of the
flaws of debut novels, for the excellent reason that it is a debut novel. Mainly, this has to do with the ending, as a
random villain is introduced into the proceedings for no reason other than he’s
British and that accent alone makes for a more intimidating villain. However, the
quality of the writing is superb—some of the descriptions are just terrific,
and there’s a haunting scene midway through involving a meeting with
kidnappers. It’s an interesting plot, rooted in the infamous Irish Troubles,
and the investigating police officer, Celcius Daly, is a likeable, hard-working
sort in a world that seems dead-set against him. Quinn shows plenty of promise
and I look forward to reading more. The book would have been a shoo-in for an A rating if not for those debut-related
flaws, and as a debut novel it gets that score… but when you factor those flaws
into the rating, I think B+ is more appropriate.
Hellbox by Bill
A bit of a departure for Pronzini’s Nameless Detective
series, abandoning the format of many of the most recent entries. We get only
one storyline throughout the book, Jake Runyon joins us only mid-way through,
and it’s more of a thriller than a mystery. Parallels are drawn to the
brilliant Shackles (itself also a
thriller), but the book doesn’t quite attain that height. But that’s mainly because
Shackles is one of the all-time greatest
crime novels. Hellbox is a solid, tense
thriller and I enjoyed reading it very much. I give this one a grade of A-.
Hope Road by John
An e-book exclusive, Hope
Road is the start of a new series and a bit of an oddity, in that it is
written in the present tense. After I got used to the tense, I really got into
the book. It’s very well-written and has plenty of plot twists, and for much of
the book the main character is morally ambiguous. He claims to have left his
family’s criminal past behind him, yet he enjoys his experience so much that
doubts are slowly cast on this statement. Overall a terrific read – I give it
an A-.
Lady, Go Die! by
Mickey Spillane/Max Allan Collins
Readers know by now that I was less-than-kind to Spillane’s I, The Jury, but Lady, Go Die! has got me convinced that Spillane had some talent
after all. This is a terrific novel, a really tough-as-nails story in which opens
on Mike Hammer rescuing a man from a beating before doling out the same
punishment on the aggressors. And then the corpse is discovered—a nude woman
draped over the statue of a horse in a park. After the gruesome discovery, Mike
Hammer goes on a quest to discover the truth, and the villains he faces are so
nasty that his violence somehow feels justified. He enjoys violence a bit too
much for me to entirely like him (even if the targets this time deserved every
bit of it), but this novel isn’t some Mindless Macho Man yarn; it’s also a well-crafted
detective story. Clues point to the truth all along, although I have no idea
who planted them – Spillane or Collins – and it’s nice to see them, even if I
solved the case more or less by instinct. The prose is very memorable, and by
God, Mike Hammer can be tough!
And honestly, it made for one helluva entertaining read. Much to my surprise,
this was one of the most memorable “new” books I had the pleasure of reading in
2012. It gets an A+ from me.
Salvation of a Saint
by Keigo Higashino
Quite possibly the best detective story of the bunch, Salvation of a Saint takes a simple
poisoning scenario and creates a maddeningly complex impossible crime. Solution
after solution is proposed, and each is debunked as impossible, to the point
where I began wondering whether Keigo Higashino had written himself into a
corner. But no, he got himself out of there beautifully, and although my
initial reaction to the solution was sceptical, the author seemed to realise
that the reader might react this way. The final few chapters of the novel play
on this theme, and at the end of the day I bought Higashino’s solution. It’s maddeningly
simple yet complex, and just plain elegant. But not only is this a well-crafted
detective story, it’s an excellent novel with memorable characters who really
come to life. And it tackles some very big moral questions, such as when one
character is pressured to have an abortion yet she feels that she wants the
child. It all weaves into a marvellous tapestry of crime. This one deserves an A+, hands down!
Spiral by Paul
A bit of a mixed bag from Halter. A good young adult novel,
with plenty of in-jokes for mystery fans, the impossible crime is a bit
underwhelming. This is mainly because Halter proposes a solution that would
require the victim to have the IQ of a Ritz cracker. So stupid would this solution
be that I didn’t buy it for a second, and then instantly saw what the real
solution was. This novel really needed a better fake solution, because it
kind-of spoils the real solution to the impossible crime. Also, the male lead
is a bit of a jackass. These are the two main flaws, and although the book is
quite a good read, the flaws are rather serious this time around. Spiral gets a B-.
This one gets an F,
for reasons I’ve covered enough times and which I refuse to go into once again.
Read my review for more. Ahem. Carrying on now…
The Midnight Man
by Paul Doherty
A terrific story. Doherty is one of the most imaginative
authors ever, and that’s why I positively love the Canterbury Tales series. He
just lets his imagination soar, and the resulting ghost story is a chilling
one. The series assumes that the supernatural exists, and then constructs a
very good mystery around it. Here, there’s a human cause for the supernatural
activity in question, and it’s a very well-told tale. It also helps that the
pilgrim telling this story is very difficult to identify among the characters,
which in turn for a good part of the book makes it nearly impossible to guess
whether one of these likeable characters will get killed. A solid entry in a
terrific series by a master storyteller. I give it an A-.
The Riddle of Monte Verita by Jean-Paul Török
A terrific homage to the work of John Dickson Carr, John
Pugmire’s translation does a fantastic job of capturing the book’s spirit of
fun. There are plenty of references to impossible crime novels, both French and
English, and so I advise anyone who hasn’t at least read Pierre Boileau’s Six crimes sans assassin (Six Crimes
Without a Murderer) or John Dickson Carr’s The
Burning Court to read those books before coming to this one. It’s a
delightful intellectual game between author and reader, and the detective
figure of this novel seems like he could be related to Sir Henry Merrivale. A
delightful treat to read, I give this one an A- rating.
La Septième Hypothèse
(The Seventh Hypothesis) by Paul Halter
All right, I’m kind-of cheating with the inclusion of this
one, but I did read the translation
in this case, so I think it’s fair game to include this one. This was undoubtedly
the best Halter I read in 2012. It’s got a terrific plot that keeps twisting
and turning, and Halter essentially gives you a case with only two suspects…
but you still end up guessing incorrectly! It’s an ingenious story, and it was
excellently translated by John Pugmire. I don’t want to say more for fear of
spoilers, but I can give this much away: I give it a grade of A+.
The Seventh Woman
by Frederique Molay
A solid thriller in which I couldn’t help but envisioning
Steven Seagal as the main character, even though I don’t particularly like
Seagal but liked the character in question. The identity of the seventh woman
is almost laughably obvious, and there are other flaws that I covered in my
review, but at the end of the day it made for a readable, entertaining, and
diverting work of fiction. I liked it quite a bit, and also found that the
author did a good job of conveying the horror of the situation. Overall, I give
this one a solid B grade.
Target Lancer by
Max Allan Collins
A terrific thriller that uses reality to construct its plot,
and it’s done so well that I had a hard time figuring out where reality ended
and where fiction began. It turns on a plot to assassinate JFK in Chicago a few
weeks before the actual assassination in Dallas. Detective Nate Heller has some
suspicions that it might be tied into some other suspicious deeds, including the
murder of a friend. The character of Nate Heller works just as well in the
1960s as he does in the 1930s, and he’s such a likeable character that it’s fun
to spend so much time with his narrative voice. This is a book well-worth
reading, and I give it an A- grade.
Le Voyageur du Passé
(The Traveller from the Past) by Paul Halter
A huge improvement over Spiral.
The solution is centered on one farfetched idea, but swallow that and the rest
of the solution is quite satisfying. I really liked the premise, which is
centered on the idea of a man disappearing only to reappear 50 years later,
having apparently time travelled, and yet a masquerade seems impossible for
reasons covered in my review and in the novel. There’s also a solid impossible
disappearance, but it is somewhat
guessable. But there are so many unique scenarios, such as the time traveller’s
disappearing face (yes, you read that correctly), and there’s a death in a
locked shed and plenty of other impossibilities. Although not Halter’s finest,
it stands solidly on its own. I’d give it a grade somewhere between a B+ and an A-, but I can’t quite settle on which one describes the book best.
Well, that’s all for today! Thanks for joining me, and
please join me next time when I post my top “discoveries” of 2012!
I haven't read the new Mallet yet. I liked the first quite a bit, but the personal back story and the budding romance of the prime marriage material detective didn't interest me much. But then I realize I'm not the target audience for that sort of thing!
ReplyDeleteNeither am I, I suppose, but at least I can admit my immaturity and get back to the manly bits with Peter Falk. :)
DeleteI picked up Salvation Of A Saint after reading about the impossible crime scenario on the front flap - halfway through, I was sceptical. What with just 2 suspects(whodunit is never really a question here) and 330 pages to figure out the howdunit - I must agree that the solution though a little hard to accept is a pretty elegant one! When I do read the contemporary novels, my complaint is always about the unnecessary length it lasts and here I must give the author credit who not only made me accept the solution as quite ingenious but also left me with a feeling that the 330 pages were worth it!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you agree with me on this novel. I agree with your criticism of contemporary novels -- it's a bit of a miracle I avoided them almost entirely with the class of 2012 -- but I also agree with you that SAINT tries to do something more, plot-wise, and gets away with it. A neat coup, to be sure. I thought THE DEVOTION OF SUSPECT X, published last year, was very good but SAINT is far better.
DeleteI got the Goldsborough for Christmas and plan on starting it this weekend. Can't wait.
ReplyDeleteI hope you like it as much as I did-- the most fun was finding all the references!
DeleteI'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of my copy of Paul Halter's The Seventh Hypothesis, and I really have to get back on track with the Bryant and May series.
ReplyDeleteTomCat, you really missed out on a lot with THE MEMORY OF BLOOD. I think it's the best of the series, and THE INVISIBLE CODE is almost as good.
DeleteFantastic list Patrick and I admire your sheer dedication and industry mate! I am definitely going to be reading some Paul Halter in 2013 so thanks again for the reminder of what I've been missing.
ReplyDeleteFor all things Halter, I believe my tab on his work is one of the best sources of information in English, although John Pugmire's article is far better than I could ever hope to write. I hope you are just as happy with his work as I am!
DeleteThanks for sparing us yet another rehash of your Louise Penny tirade in this post. Surprised by the A+ rating for the Spillane/Collins collaboration. Maybe reading is better than listening to Spillane. You listened to an auido verison of I, THE JURY didn't you? I nearly bought a copy of A FATAL WINTER when it first came out, but I am opting to read a library copy now.
ReplyDeleteJohn, I know you're a fan and I hope my recent tirades haven't alienated you too much. Until recently, I would have sided with you in defending Penny, but with two clunkers in a row I think it's best to set her aside for 2013 and read other stuff, have a good long rest before trying to come back again.
DeleteRe: Spillane, I actually listened to an audiobook of LADY, GO DIE! and I think in this case it improved the experience somewhat. The audiobook reader for I, THE JURY did a solid job as well, but my problems were with the book itself-- unlike Bill Pronzini, I can't see it as an "alternative" classic in any way. Trust me, I'm just as surprised by the A+ rating, but it's one of the few books I read this year where, long after finishing it, I remember almost the entire plot, the characters, and the more I think back on it the better it seems. When it came to the rating, I hesitated. I knew it was going to get an A at the very least, but did it deserve that +? In the end, I decided that it did, although maybe reading it immediately after CITY OF GLASS had something to do with my fond memories of the book.