Monday, October 24, 2011

Morderstwo odbędzie się…

Bishop: What do you think when you see a beautiful woman?
Father Mateusz: I thank God for making me a man.
Bishop: And when you see an unattractive woman?
Father Mateusz: I thank Him for making me a priest.
Ojciec Mateusz (Father Mateusz), Season 1 Episode 3

I was raised in an entirely Polish family, and in fact, the Polish language was the first I learned. My parents thought it really important to instil in me traditional Polish values, the Catholic faith, and a knowledge of the Polish language and culture. It was one of the reasons I was sent to Polish School every Saturday for years—some kids got to sleep in and watch cartoons on Saturday mornings; I had to go to school.

But thanks to all this, I’ve gotten to know the Polish language like a native speaker, and as it turns out, it was a good thing to learn. Today, at Detection by Moonlight, penned by fellow blogger TomCat, I’ve volunteered my services and written aguest blog about the detective story in Poland: why it’s taken so long to flourish and what gems can be found there. I’ve made some hopefully-enticing allusions to books that should be reviewed over here, hopefully in the coming weeks. Please take a moment to look at TomCat’s blog and discover the world of Polish detective stories.

Should this count as a crossover review? Well, since I've crossed space and time and taken over TomCat's blog, I'll go ahead and say yes. Plus, this gives me a page to place in my "Criminal Record" to account for the work.

And what does my post title mean? It's actually the Polish title for A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie, but it translates out to "A Murder Will Take Place..."


  1. Ojciec Mateusz jest bardzo popularny w Polsce :) Kojarzy mi się nieodparcie z bohaterem Chestertona Ojcem Brownem, o którym między innymi piszę pracę.
    Plus fajnie znaleźć ciekawy blog i dowiedzieć się że prowadzi go Polak! pozdrawiam serdecznie :) - Ela

  2. Ela, dziękuje uprzejmie za twoją wizytę i za miłe słowa! Ojciec Mateusz mi też przypominał Ojca Browna, ale muszę przyznać że bardziej lubię powieści Chestertona.

  3. No cóż, ja też wolę Ojca Brown'a, ale niestety nie jest tak popularny tutaj i pewnie mało osób słyszało o nim w Polsce, w przeciwieństwie do księdza Mateusza:)
